William Boda, Harris TKD, England - Ge Baek Tul & Choong Moo Tul
The commemorate the memory of our Taekwon-Do Founder and to show respect and gratitude by promoting his martial art to a global audience. All are welcome to take part in the General Choi Memorial Cyber Championships.
Who can participate :
All Ages (from 5-85)
All ranks (from beginners to grandmasters)
All ITF styled Taekwon-do schools
All countries
Following on from the great success of our recent Cyber Tournaments, where competitors from across the World came together to share and celebrate ITF Taekwon-Do
With more new events and more chances for you to win – the rest is up to you. Register now and train hard, then submit your best effort. Scroll down the page for Event guidelines.
Events will include:
Individual Patterns
Team Patterns (3 people – mixed age/gender is ok)
Self Defense (pairs)
Pre-arranged Sparring (pairs)
Model Sparring (pairs)
Registrations & Video Submissions close on
9th November, 2020
Birthday of General Choi Hong Hi, Founder of Taekwon-Do
See below for Rules, Filming & Submission Guidelines, Registration
You will film yourself, or be filmed at your club/class, performing your patterns or routines.
Upload these performances to a designated folder online, and our panel of judges will watch them, judge them and score them.
From 10th November, all videos will be switched from ‘Private’ to ‘Public’ settings on our YouTube event playlist so you can watch every one in your category, and the other participants.
We will announce the results and promote the winning performances on our social media platforms, websites and other means of direct communication.
You can view them, share them with family, friends and club mates.
All placegetters will have medals posted to their head instructor, or directly to the address on your form, if you are in a lockdown area.