Happy 68th Anniversary Taekwondo

Happy 68th AnniversaryOn April 11th, 2023 we celebrate the Happy 68th Anniversary Taekwondo with practitioners from around the World and on social media.

The name Taekwondo is derived from the Korean word “Tae” meaning foot, “Kwon” meaning fist and “Do” meaning way of. So, literally Taekwondo means “the way of the foot and fist”.

Whilst various versions of Taekwondo history would have it dating back centuries, the name Taekwondo, however, has only been used since April 11th, 1955.


It is important to note, this is several years before the formation of the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF), and even more years before the existence of the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF).

This original TaeKwonDo began as military training tool for actively serving forces, which later became a martial art accessible to the public, and today features a large sports component, as can be evidenced by the many tournaments, including the Olympic Games.

While a combination of politics, nationalism and other factors saw Taekwon-Do split into these 2 major streams decades ago, not to mention the abundance of offshoots and variations that exist today, we should embrace that it is a celebration for us all.

We were fortunate in Australia to have had the opportunity to attend many General Choi Hong Hi seminars, Happy 68th Anniversaryparticularly through the 1990’s, when he was a regular visitor to our shores, and then with the next generation of grandmasters and pioneers, as well as his son own Grandmaster Choi Jung Hwa.

Today thousands of instructors carry on the legacy of those original pioneers in all varieties of Taekwondo, whether as a sport or martial art, or a combination of both.

Visit the General Choi Hong Hi seminars page to view some of those seminars, as they are archival in nature, sound and picture quality may vary, we hope you will enjoy them.

Subscribe to our YouTube page to see more seminar clips as we launch them, along with lots of other great items.


Taekwon-Do History

More about General Choi Hong Hi




Website sponsored by – Global Fitness Institute