Australasian ITF Hall Of Fame Banquet
Only 10 seats remain !!!!
Big news regarding the 2018 ITF Hall Of Fame Australasia ceremony and dinner being held in Melbourne.
The ITF Hall Of Fame Australasia is proud to announce that the Special Guest of Honour at the 2nd annual ceremony will be none other than the Son of General Choi Hong Hi, the Founder of Taekwon-Do, Grandmaster Choi Jung Hwa.
Hot off the press : Also in attendance will be Taekwon-Do Pioneer Grandmaster JC Kim, who was instrumental in establishing the ITF with General Choi.
The 2nd ITF Hall of Fame Australasia ceremony will be held on Saturday 27th January 2018 in Melbourne, Australia in conjunction with the Grandmaster Choi Jung Hwa seminar.
Also in attendance as a special guest will be Grandmaster Trevor Nicholls, from the United Kingdom.
Banquet Booking Now Open
deadline 12th January, no exceptions.
The ITF Hall of Fame Australasia was created to celebrate the great achievements and contributions of ITF members throughout the Pacific and Asian regions.
Following the outstanding success of the inaugural 2017 event, the ITF Hall Of Fame Australasia will become a featured annual event on the ITF calendar across the Australasian region.
With many fine Taekwon-Do practitioners, regional pioneers and high performers, the Australasian region has become one of the strong holds of the International Taekwon-Do Federation and now earns and deserves the respect it receives globally due to the efforts of these early pioneers.
The ITF Hall of Fame is not affiliated or aligned to any one ITF group, and as such, we welcome members from all ITF practicing schools and associations, who continue the legacy of the Founder, General Choi Hong Hi, through the adherence and promotion of his teachings.
The 2017 batch of inductees included multiple ITF World Champions, long serving association leaders, and high- profiled and successful Masters from across Australia and New Zealand.
We welcome supporters and nominees for our various categories, which you will see described in the relevant links.
There are a number of categories being awarded to celebrate and acknowledge the many fine contributions to ITF Taekwon-Do in the region.
Categories of recognition in the ITF Hall of Fame Australasia include:
- Lifetime Contribution Award
- International Ambassador Award
- Outstanding Athlete / Coach award
- Indomitable Spirit Award
- Posthumous Award – Lifetime contribution
- ITF Hall of Fame – Legend
The process of nomination includes 2 options:
Self Nomination
Peer Nomination