Tag: awards

ITF Hall Of Fame 2

One Week remains for nominations

One Week remains for nominations

one week remains 2

Only one week remains for nominations in the 4th ITF Hall Of Fame induction ceremony.

Finish 2020 on a high note

This year’s induction will be conducted virtually due to COVID19 travel restrictions.

The ceremony will be held on Saturday 19th December, 2020

As the event is a virtual one, without attendance required, we invite nominations from all countries. Currently we have nominees from USA, Singapore, New Zealand and Australia. We would love to see more countries get involved.

What a great way to finish what has been a globally challenging year in the Taekwon-Do community, as well as the entire World population.

Celebrate the ITF Hall Of Fame with this year’s nominees, past inductees. Nominate a worthy member of your school or organization, even nominate yourself if you feel you tick all the boxes.




Nominations must be submitted by Friday 15th December

Only one weeks remains



Categories of recognition in the ITF Hall of Fame Australasia include:

  • Lifetime Contribution Award
  • International Ambassador Award
  • Outstanding Athlete award
  • Indomitable Spirit Award
  • National Team Representative Award
  • Posthumous induction for lifetime contribution *
  • Legend of Taekwon-Do **

(Read category descriptions and selection criteria here)

About the ITF Hall Of Fame

What categories are there ?

How to nominate

The cost of nomination & the award


The ITF Hall of Fame Australia was originally created by Master Michael Muleta to celebrate the great achievements and contributions of ITF members throughout the Pacific and Asian regions.

With many fine Taekwon-Do practitioners, regional pioneers and high performers, the region has become one of the strong holds of the International Taekwon-Do Federation and now earns and deserves the respect it receives.

A small induction ceremony was held in Melbourne, Victoria in March this year, to coincide with the Arnold Classic Taekwon-Do World Championships. Unfortunately, due to COVID19 striking in the week leading up to the event, many registered participants opted not to travel for health concerns.

hall of fame
















van Roon group

ITF Pioneer Awards honour Master Muleta

ITF Pioneer

The ITF Pioneer awards is proud to honour Master Michael Muleta with the ‘ITF Excellence Award’ at the 2019 Ceremony to be held in Brisbane, Australia in November.

Master Muleta is currently the Under Secretary of the ITF, under the leadership of Grandmaster Choi Jung Hwa, and also is the Founder, and has been the President of, United ITF Taekwon-Do Australia since 2002, having served on the ITF Executive since 1995.

Whilst still actively teaching seminars around the World and around Australia, Master Muleta’s focus is primarly on running major events and the promotion and inclusion of ITF Taekwon-Do to the wider community via the Arnold Classic Taekwon-Do World Championships, the Australian Masters Games.

In 2018, Master Muleta was also awarded a Lifetime Achievement award at the ITF Hall of Fame.

The award will be presented among ITF peers by ITF Pioneer and Grandmaster Kong Young Il.

Michael Muleta is an 8th Degree Black Belt Master Instructor, as well as A Class International Umpire.

He is the Founding President of United ITF Taekwon-Do Australia Inc, with 30 years of ITF experience at the highest level as a competitor, coach, umpire and administrator.

Michael has with an extensive Taekwon-Do and education background. His informative seminars are some of the most highly regarded domestically and internationally.

Michael Muleta 1Michael Muleta 3Michael Muleta 2






Michael’s involvement in martial arts is extensive and diverse, where he has gained respect across other styles and organizations. In 2018, he was inducted into the Australasian ITF Hall Of Fame for Outstanding Lifetime Contribution to Taekwon-Do.

Read Master Muleta’s full profile.


Masters Honoured at ITF 50th Anniversary

Masters from the Oceanic Region were honoured at the celebrations for the 50th Anniversary of the International Taekwon-Do Federation, held in Melbourne on Saturday 19th March.

Each was presented with a magnificent trophy symbolizing their respective life-long efforts and achievements in promoting and furthering the International Taekwon-Do Federation.

The event was held after a very successful ITF National Championships which was organized and hosted by United ITF President/Technical Director and Thoroughbred Taekwon-Do head instructor, Master Michael Muleta.

The banquet featured guests from across Australia and New Zealand, and consisted of many presentations and speeches from the honoured recipients.

Master Muleta welcomed guests and gave testimonials to each of his fellow recipients and their contributions, followed by a special presentation and speech made by Master Steve Weston to Master Muleta.

Those Masters honoured included:

Master Michael Muleta, 8th Degree

Master Rua Kaiou, 7th Degree

Master Neil Cliff, 7th Degree

Master Noel Keating, 7th Degree

Master Spiridon Cariotis, 7th Degree

Master Steve Weston, 7th Degree

Master Moustapha El Sheik, 7th Degree

We acknowledge all who have contributed to the promotion of the ITF across our region, over the duration of ITF’s 50 years since its formation.

masters awards

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