Rockhampton Seminars Master Muleta
Master Michael Muleta visited Rockhampton on the first weekend of August to conduct Black Belt Testings and seminars.
The event was hosted by Brown’s Dojang, and supported by McNae’s Martial Arts and students who travelled over 3 hours each way from Alligator Creek to Rockhampton.
On the Friday evening, students were put through a vigorous Degree testing , comprising of Patterns, various sparring types, self defense, breaking and theory.
Congratulations to new Sabum Wayne Brown, promoted to 4th Degree and Nikki Olzard promoted to 2nd Degree.
Saturday started with a Patterns seminar in the morning, where Master Muleta concentrated on Fundamentals, Power Generation, Training secrets of Taekwon-Do and various sequences derived from the ITF Tuls. He clarified some technique terminology and interpretation of General Choi’s documented patterns.
All students were given the opportunity to perform and receive some constructive feedback to help them improve.
After a break for lunch, Rockhampton students returned to be thrown, flipped, locked, blocked and struck, all in the name of Self Defense.
Master Muleta went through a range of Self Defense scenarios and applications of Taekwon-Do movements. Students enjoyed the session immensely and learnt a few new tricks along the way.
At the end of the seminar, Master Muleta spoke about the upcoming Arnold Classic Taekwondo World Championships, where many of the Rockhampton participants are attending.
Thank you to Brown’s Taekwon-Do for hosting and arranging the seminars.
Master Muleta is an 8th Degree Under Secretary of the International Taekwon-Do Federation, President & Technical Director of United ITF Taekwon-Do Australia.
He is also the Director of Thoroughbred Taekwon-Do and CEO of Global Fitness Institute. He was inducted to the Australasian ITF Hall of Fame in 2018.