Congratulations to all the new black belts who were tested and successfully promoted over the past 2 weeks in both Newcastle and Rockhampton.
Master Michael Muleta, 8th Degree, travelled to Newcastle, NSW early June to conduct some Black Belt Examinations and an ITF Masterclass at the Titan Martial Arts school. Some black belts had also been promoted the week before, by Sabum Michael Omay.
Those promoted included:
Michael Omay 6th Degree
Scott Gannon, 5th Degree
Sam Wilson, 5th Degree
Alex Sorensen, 4th Degree
Simon Aliendi, 3rd Degree
James Magill, 3rd Degree
Chris Streets, 3rd Degree
Archer Woller, 2nd degree
Tim Kerkhoff, 2nd Degree
Maclean Davis, 1st Degree
Travis Charlton, 1st Degree
Sapphire Tabas, 1st Degree
Tiarne Sattler, 1st Degree
Kalleah Sattler, 1st Degree
Amy Burke, 1st Degree
Jerrome Teasdale, 1st Degree
The following week, Master Muleta travelled to Rockhampton for more Masterclasses and a Black Belt grading. The successful new Black belt promotion was:
Nikki Olzard, 3rd Degree
The next round of Black Belt exams and Masterclasses with Master Muleta will be held in Canberra, ACT over the weekend on 8-10th, July 2022.
As a result of Melbourne’s extended COVID 19 lockdowns and restrictions, we will be conducting this weekend’s National Umpire Course online, via the Zoom platform. (note: zoom is free, but you must sign up for an account)
Sunday 13th June, 2021 from 10.00am
Streamed Live on ZOOM
Master Michael Muleta, 8th Degree Technical Director for United ITF Taekwon-Do Australia will be conducting a United ITF sanctioned NationalITF Umpiring course on Sunday 13th June, 2021.
Students of all ages and ranks are welcome to take part in the session and will be issued C-class National Umpire certification.
Students will learn the Umpire rules and application of rules as they pertain to domestic United ITF state and national championships.
Participants will be able to assist in officiating upcoming 2021 United ITF Taekwon-Do events including Queensland Championships (August), ACT Championships (July) and Australian Championships (October).
The session will cover all ITF events – Sparring, Patterns, Special Techniques, Power, both team and individual.
We ask that participants familiarize themselves with ITF Umpire Rules prior to the session so as we can move through the session in a time effective manner.
It is a useful session not only for officials, but also for competitors and coaches.
As it is a participation based seminar, spectators and filming is not permitted.
After a tough 12 months across the Globe, not just in the Taekwon-Do community, but across all sectors, we are pleased to announce ITF Events are back in person.
With Australia doing such a great job in containing and controlling the spread of COVID-19, it has allowed us the luxury of returning to face to face ITF events, when much of the World is still heavily restricted or locked down.
After months of zooming or glooming, we are finally back in action.
We have scheduled ITF seminars, ITF tournaments, gradings and social events where we can all get together once again, and celebrate Taekwon-Do.
We look forward to seeing you all in person, in dobok on the dojang floor and competition mats.
Upcoming ITF Events in Australia include:
All ages and all ranks are welcome to attend our seminars and masterclasses, contact the seminar instructor or event host for registration details.
Master Michael Muleta – ITF Masterclass – Rockhampton, Queensland (Register)
Saturday 11th July, 2021
Master Michael Muleta – ITF Masterclass – Canberra, ACT
Tournaments are open to all ages and ranks, and we welcome and encourage all members to take part. There are categories to suit everyone from sparring, patterns, breaking and special techniques, along with some additional events.
Saturday 2nd October, 2021
United ITF National Championships – Melbourne, Victoria
National Selection Trials for 2022 ITF World Championships*
(* INO#23 members only)
Social Functions
Saturday 2nd October, 2021
United ITF Australia – 20th Anniversary Celebration – Melbourne, Victoria
To book a seminar for your school or region, please contact us
To commemorate the 65th Anniversary of Taekwon-Do, we released some rare General Choi Seminar footage from his visits to Australia during the 1990’s.
To view these videos (below) and others be sure to subscribe to our you tube page by clicking the icon below.
The Taekwon-Do Founder, General Choi Hong Hi (dec) was born on November 9th, 1918 in the Hwa Dae, Myong Chung District.
He is regarded as the Founder of Taekwon-do and served as President of the International Taekwon-do Federation (I.T.F.) for many years.
Sydney, Australia 1993
General Choi formed the Oh Do Kwan (Gym of my way) where Korean soldiers were trained in General Choi’s new martial art to become the pioneer Taekwon-do instructors. General Choi also commanded Chung Do Kwan, which was the largest civilian gym in Korea.
In 1955 General Choi presented the name Taekwon-Do to the Korean President for endorsement of the Korean Martial Art.
In the same year he led the Korean Army’s Taekwon-do demonstration team on a tour of China and Vietnam to promote his form of unarmed combat. After breathtaking displays, both these countries adopted General Choi’s Taekwon-do as an integral part of their soldier’s military training.
Sunshine Coast, Australia 1995
In 1961, the Korean Taekwon-do Association was formed with General Choi as its President. During the next few years, he led Taekwon-do demonstration teams throughout the world.
On March 22nd, 1966, General Choi Hong Hi (dec) formed the International Taekwon-do Federation (I.T.F) in Seoul, Korea. At the time it had associations in Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, West Germany, America, Turkey, Italy, Egypt and Korea.
General Choi died of cancer on 15 June 2002 in Pyongyang, North Korea. Choi is listed in the Taekwondo Hall of Fame with various titles: “Father of Taekwon-Do,” “Founder and First President of the International Taekwon-Do Federation,” and “Founder of Oh Do Kwan.” Choi is survived by his wife, Choi Joon Hee; his son, Choi Jung Hwa; two daughters, Sunny and Meeyun; and several grandchildren.
On this weekend we celebrated the Happy 65th Anniversary Taekwondo with practitioners from around the World on social media.
The name Taekwondo is derived from the Korean word “Tae” meaning foot, “Kwon” meaning fist and “Do” meaning way of. So, literally Taekwondo means “the way of the foot and fist”. The name Taekwondo, however, has only been used since April 11th, 1955.
This original Tae Kwon Do began as military Tae Kwon Do.
Our special commemoration included releasing some never before seen footage of General Choi Hong Hi seminars held in Australian during the 1990’s.
We were fortunate to have had the opportunity to attend many General Choi Hong Hi seminars, particularly through the 1990’s.
Visit the General Choi Hong Hi seminars page to view some of those seminars, as they are archival in nature, sound and picture quality may vary, we hope you will enjoy them.
During his military career, General Choi constantly researched various martial arts, mainly Taekyon, kung fu and karate – drawing from each to create the original version of Taekwon-do.
General Choi formed the Oh Do Kwan (Gym of my way) where Korean soldiers were trained in General Choi’s new martial art to become the pioneer Taekwon-do instructors. General Choi also commanded Chung Do Kwan, which was the largest civilian gym in Korea.
In 1955 General Choi led the Korean Army’s Taekwon-do demonstration team on a tour of China and Vietnam to promote his form of unarmed combat. After breathtaking displays, both these countries adopted General Choi’s Taekwon-do as an integral part of their soldier’s military training.
Taekwon-Do ITF Nepal organized a 2-day sparring /self-defense seminar followed by the 1st color belt open Taekwon-Do Championship between 7-9th Feb 2020.
ITF under General Secretary, Master Michael Muleta, 8th Degree from Australia, led the seminar and was assisted by the organizer, Mr. Laxman Basnet, President of Taekwon-Do ITF Nepal.
Just on 160 people attended Day 1 of the seminar, being a working day in Nepal, which focused on sparring techniques and ITF patterns. The students worked hard for 6 hours, with only a 30-minute lunch break, benefiting from the close attention and detail covered by Master Muleta.
On Day 2 the seminar focused on self-defense for almost 200 people in attendance for the whole day. Students were put through many techniques to combat against an assailant, from various grabs, holds, strikes, throws and locks. The seminar was very good and Master Muleta displayed his teaching and class management skills, where he managed to work with every single attendee during the day.
All the students enjoyed the intensive training and learned some new skills and applications from the very popular Senior Master, who was returning to Nepal after coming in 2015 to conduct seminars as part of the Nepal earthquake relief.
We would highly recommend to any country to have Master Muleta come and conduct this seminar.
On Day 3 it was competition time, with around 200 students participating from 23 different districts in the 1st color belt open Taekwon-Do Championship.
The event was a huge success, where Master Muleta kicked off proceedings with the official opening ceremony and remained to observe the championships and engage with all the competitors, special guests, media and officials.
There were 35 different categories in the Individual Sparring and individual pattern events. The standard was very good for colour belts and Master Muleta noted a significant improvement since his 2015 visit, giving full credit to r Laxman’s hard work and drive in building ITF Nepal.
Many special guests were in attendance including the Chief guest, the Honorable Ganesh Prasad Timalsina, President of the National Assembly of Parliament, along with special guest Master Muleta and Arie Hoogandooran from Netherlands. Also in attendance was Guest Honorary Member and President of the Sports for All commission, Mr.Bishnu Gopal Shrestha, Adviser of Taekwon-Do ITF Nepal and Famous Nepal identity, Ang Temba Sherpa .
Turkish Airlines General Manager, and event sponsor, Mr.Abdullaha gave out three gift hampers to three gold medalists.
Taekwon-Do ITF Nepal were honoured to present Chief guest to Master Muleta and Mr. Arie with a framed letter of appreciation, for their contribution in promoting Taekwon-Do in Nepal.
President Laxman Basnet gave a Token of Love to our chief guest and other special guests and he informed the audience about what Taekwon-Do ITF Nepal did in the past and what doing in the near future.
Mr Basnet announced that ITF Nepal will be organizing a Technical and Umpire workshop conducted by ITF Vice president Grand Master Nicholls and Master Yogi Chand in conjunction with the 4th Everest Open Taekwon-Do Championship on September 18-20, 2020 in Nepal to promote Taekwon-Do and promote tourism to Nepal during 2020.
Our member of Parliament and other guests gave speeches to motivate and encourage organizers and participants to make an even more more successful event in September 2020.
Thank you to Mr. Laman Basnet and his working party on organizing and hosting such a great and memorable event.
Special thanks to Master Muleta in taking time from his hectic schedule in the lead up to the Arnold Classic Taekwon-Do World Championships, to selflessly share his expertise and genuine love for Taekwon-Do ITF to our leaders and members.
A Nepal Masterclass is being held in Kathmandu by Master Michael Muleta over the period 7-8th February, 2020.
It will be Master Muleta’s second seminar visit to Nepal in 4 years, having previously donated his services to raise funds for earthquake relief.
There will also be a colour belt championships held on the same weekend.
The Nepal Masterclass will run over two sessions, with the focus on Sparring and then Self Defense.
Students and instructors of all ages and ranks, from all Taekwondo schools are welcome to attend.
Check out the Photo Gallery of Master Muleta’s 2015 seminars in Nepal.
The initiative was borne out of discussions between Master Muleta and Mr Basnet at the time of the Nepal Earthquakes, and an offer of assistance from Master Muleta, who had previously received citations from the ITF for his charity work after the Asian boxing Day Tsunami.
During this event all participants from Nepal and abroad had a wonderful experience, making new friendships, renewing old ones and most of all enjoying Taekwondo in its truest form.
ITF Nepal issued an invitation to Master Muleta to return in 2020 and it is hoped that more participants from more countries will take the chance to come and experience Nepal and its culture, as well as Taekwondo.
Master Michael Muleta visited Rockhampton on the first weekend of August to conduct Black Belt Testings and seminars.
The event was hosted by Brown’s Dojang, and supported by McNae’s Martial Arts and students who travelled over 3 hours each way from Alligator Creek to Rockhampton.
On the Friday evening, students were put through a vigorous Degree testing , comprising of Patterns, various sparring types, self defense, breaking and theory.
Congratulations to new Sabum Wayne Brown, promoted to 4th Degree and Nikki Olzard promoted to 2nd Degree.
Saturday started with a Patterns seminar in the morning, where Master Muleta concentrated on Fundamentals, Power Generation, Training secrets of Taekwon-Do and various sequences derived from the ITF Tuls. He clarified some technique terminology and interpretation of General Choi’s documented patterns.
All students were given the opportunity to perform and receive some constructive feedback to help them improve.
After a break for lunch, Rockhampton students returned to be thrown, flipped, locked, blocked and struck, all in the name of Self Defense.
Master Muleta went through a range of Self Defense scenarios and applications of Taekwon-Do movements. Students enjoyed the session immensely and learnt a few new tricks along the way.
Thank you to Brown’s Taekwon-Do for hosting and arranging the seminars.
Master Muleta is an 8th Degree Under Secretary of the International Taekwon-Do Federation, President & Technical Director of United ITF Taekwon-Do Australia.
On November 10 – 11, 2018 the Institucion Nacional TKD Puerto Rico held a Master Class with Under Secretary General of ITF Master Michael Muleta, 8th degree.
The weekend began with a 2 hour Black Belt class (inlcuding Red Belts who were testing later that day). In that class, Master Muleta covered some theory of power elements and some other technical aspects. Towards the end of the class, students performed some self-defence manouvers.
A black belt testing followed, where several students were tested and promoted up to 3rd Degree. The test was commanded by Sabum Llauger Castillo and marked by Master Muleta.
In the evening as special dinner was held with Puerto Rico instructors and families. The dinner was to commemorate the 100th Birthday of the Founder of Taekwondo, General Choi Hong Hi.
On day 2, Australasian ITF Hall Of Fame instructor, Master Muleta led 6 hours of ITF training for students of all ranks. The sessions were broken up into 2 x 3 hours. Junior students completed the first session, whilst teens and adults stayed for both.
Master Muleta covered many aspects of TKD during his class and taught us the practical application of ITF techniques. Once again the emphasis was on power, with additional elements covered following on from Day 1.
Patterns were covered across several levels, with Master Muleta pointing out key aspects. Blocking and attacking tools, correct angle & distance, sine wave and stance transitions were all covered in detail.
Students also carried out some sparring exercises, under the watchful eye and instruction of the Former ITF world championships coach, with drills in counter attacking and ringcraft.
We at ITF Puerto Rico are really greatful for Master Muleta’s effort and dedication in teaching us the legacy of our founder.
We are excited to announce that the Grandmaster Choi Jung Hwa, the Son of legendary Founder of Taekwon-Do Choi Hong Hi returns to Australia in January, 2018.
As part of an Asia-Pacific tour, Grandmaster Choi Jung Hwa will conduct an International Instructor course, incorporating a Masterclass, in Melbourne on January 27th – 28th, 2018
The IIC course is open to all persons 1st Gup and above, whilst the Masterclass is open to all ranks.
It is the first seminar conducted by Grandmaster Choi Jung Hwa since his last visit to Melbourne in 2013, and his 7th seminar visit.
All Taekwon-Do practitioners are welcome to participate.