TKD Pioneer JC Kim coming to Melbourne
We are pleased to announce that ITF Pioneer Grandmaster JC Kim will be coming to Melbourne, as part of the Grandmaster Choi Jung Hwa International Seminar from January 27th – 28th, 2018.
To register for the seminar – click here
Grandmaster JC Kim will also be an honoured guest at the Australasian ITF Hall Of Fame Banquet on Saturday 28th January, 2018.
To register for the dinner with Grandmaster Choi Jung Hwa, Grandmaster JC Kim and Grandmaster Trevor Nicholls – book here
Grandmaster JC Kim – a brief history
Master Kim has assisted our Founder General Choi Hong Hi since the beginning of Taekwon-Do and the ITF.
TKD Pioneer Master Kim played a key role in the creation of ITF. In 1966 he was in fact a founding member of the ITF.
Master Kim is a pioneer of South East Asia and North America shortly after GM Joon Rhee.
He has helped many South American countries become a TKD power house and is renembered by us as the person who realized Gen Choi’s wish in the early days:
Grand Master Kim hosted the First ITF World Championships in 1974 … one of many difficult periods in the ITF history.