Tournaments in 2024- 2025

After a successful return to Domestic and International tournaments in 2023, our ITF events are back in full swing and gearing up for a big 2024.

On the 2024 calendar, we have added dates for Club competitions, state tournaments, National Championships, Global Championships, and a couple of overseas jaunts tossed in.

2024 will be the busiest year on our events calendar, returning to pre-covid levels.





United ITF Australian Championships

Saturday 24th August

Adelaide, SA







Saturday 8th March, 2025

5th Global Taekwon-Do Open Championships 

Melbourne, VIC

Open to all clubs, all ages, all ranks – regardless of TKD style or affiliation.

Registrations opening soon



ITF World Championships 2025

ITF World Championships

July 23rd – 28th, 2025

Barcelona, Spain


For those who enjoy the sporting aspects of martial arts, tournament provide a great opportunity to test your progress against those in a similar demographic.

Most ITF Tournaments include events such as Individual Patterns, Team Patterns, Individual Sparring, Team Sparring, Special technique and Power breaking

Sometimes novelty events are run, particularly where children are involved.

Once you progress to a more advanced level, participating in competitions opens up many opportunities to travel around the country, and around the World.



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Global Fitness Institute